State Employee Campaigns


If you are a state employee of California, Illinois, or Virginia, you will find the Children’s Gaucher Research Fund as one of your choices in your State Employee Campaign.

CALIFORNIA          – “California State Employee Charitable Campaign”

ILLINOIS                  – “Illinois State Employee Combined Appeal” (SECA)

VIRGINIA                 – “Commonwealth of Virginia Campaign” (CVC)

 Each of these Employee Campaigns will kick-off this fall.  If you are an employee in one of these states we understand there are many qualified charities to support and encourage you to keep supporting those that touch your heart.  That said, if you do not have a favorite charity or can find even one extra dollar to donate, please consider selecting the Children’s Gaucher Research Fund – which will be located in alphabetical order in the campaign brochure/website.

Taking this grass-roots effort one step further, we’d like you to engage your colleagues at work. While State Employee Campaigns receive support from roughly 30% of the state workforce, a large portion of those contributors do not have the time to fully research donation options.  We would like you to reassure them of Children’s Gaucher Research Funds important mission, its commitment to direct 100% of received donations towards research and of the lives they’ll touch by supporting this important cause.

If You Are Not a State Employee … You Can Still Help

This is a tremendous opportunity for the CGRF. Last year in California alone state employees raised $8.7 million for charities. If you know State workers in California, Illinois or Virginia we would like you to promote the selection of the CGRF. If you would like to help, it is simple. On the top menu of the website ( go to “How To Help” and select “CGRF Sharing Kit”. Download the State Campaign Letters. These letters are written from the perspective of a parent who has lost a child, so you may have to edit the letter. Make a list of everyone you know who works in any of these states (California – Illinois – Virginia), edit the letter to meet your needs, and email it to these state employees. Your support will allow us to maximize this important opportunity.

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